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Microsoft Word: Use quotations without brackets as footnotes

Microsoft Word citation without brackets as footnote Title image

This best practice describes the use of sources in Microsoft Word as footnotes (citations). Sources are often used in conjunction with the Source Manager. A citation (short form) can be generated for each source created, which clearly references the complete source in the body text or in the footnote. Unfortunately, the automatically generated citation automatically has brackets, which can be removed with the following instructions.



Footnotes are often expected to be used in academic papers at school, university or at work. These are usually used for further explanations or references to a detailed source presentation in the Bibliography or list of illustrations used. Microsoft Word already comes with a certain functionality, which can be found in the References (formerly References) under the button Insert quote is hidden. This function makes it possible to insert a unique reference to a specific source in the bibliography. The prerequisite is, of course, a source entered in the Source Manager.

Format templates for citation styles

Styles are used in various places in Microsoft Word: We know them primarily through the formatting of text (type, size and color of the font and more). However, there are also certain format templates called citation styles for displaying lists and citations. All common citation styles can be found under the References in the drop-down menu Style sheet can be selected. Citation styles do not only cause a visual adjustment of the directories. They also affect the presentation of citations.

Forms of presentation

One with the citation style APA, 6th edition inserted quote, for example, as follows:

(Wörmer, 2015)

In this form, the reference in the Continuous text insert. This variant is particularly common in North America, where the product is primarily developed. But not here. In a Footnote the brackets around the reference simply don't look very good:

Cf. (Wörmer, 2015)

Rather, the aim is to create such a form:

See Wörmer, 2015

Anyone who now jumps off and thinks that the footnotes are much easier to enter or modify manually is mistaken and should use the Advantages of the integrated functionality be clarified: First, Word generates clear references in the later directories. On the other hand the references are updated automatically when a source is changed. If the latter does not occur, the entire document can be deleted with CTRL+ A and press the function key F9 can be updated. All fields (page number, date, directories, cross-references and more) are regenerated.

Solution and instructions

The solution to the problem is simpler than expected: Each format template for the citation styles is defined and saved in a file in XSL format. In order to remove the brackets around the quotations, the correct XSL file must be modified at the correct place according to the desired change.

A different file must therefore be modified depending on which style sheet is to be used: The file for the style sheet APA, 6th edition reads for example APASixthEditionOfficeOnline.xsl and those of the IEEE 2006 accordingly IEEE2006OfficeOnline.xsl.

The files are located under the following file path:


In the Windows Explorer can this File path entered in the address bar to get to the storage location:

Microsoft Word quotes brackets 1
Entering the file path in Windows Explorer

At this point it is recommended at the latest, close all instances of Microsoft Word.

If the corresponding file is found, the Format template now opened and edited with the text editing program of your choice be found. The following two text passages should be found using the integrated search function:

The first line describes the opening bracket, the second line the closing bracket. Both Lines must now be commented outso that the function is no longer activewhich is hidden behind the respective line of text. The commenting out is illustrated by a Before and after example - here using the opening bracket:


The two text passages in the format template file should now look like this:

Microsoft Word quotes brackets 2
Editing a style sheet in the Windows Editor

Subsequently, the File saved become. If you encounter any problems, please refer to the FAQ below. It may be worthwhile Backup of the original file.

Microsoft Word can now be opened again. The transactions just made Changes are generally not yet and only displayed after updating the corresponding fields (quotations). The best way to do this is to mark the entire document with Ctrl + A and then updates the fields with the function key F9as already explained. The changes should now be visible.

Questions & Answers

There is neither a folder nor a style sheet in the specified file path.

Here we recommend a Manual search in Windows Explorer for the corresponding style sheet. A search for example for APASixthEditionOfficeOnline.xsl supplies the File pathunder which the other format templates can also be found. If files appear in the Temp directory during the search, these can be ignored.

There are problems when saving the modified citation style.

There may be problems with write permission when saving if the text editing program was not started as administrator. In this case, it is recommended that the Save file to another location (e.g. on the desktop) where there are no restrictions regarding write permissions. It is important to retain the .xsl formatwhich may need to be added manually. The original file Replace with the modified file via copy & paste in Windows Explorer.

There are display problems when forwarding the document.

The Modifications of the style sheet are not document-dependent and become only on the corresponding computer displayed. If the same Word document is opened on another computer (without modification), it will be displayed according to the configuration of the format template there (usually with brackets in the quotations) - at the latest after updating the fields. Best practice here is to forward the document to third parties in PDF format.

Why are citation styles reset?

Through Windows updates and Microsoft Word updates As a component of Microsoft Office, the edited file may be modified automatically. Any changes made may be overwritten and thus become ineffective. In this case, the only remaining option is to Perform modification again. Alternatively, existing backup files can be imported if necessary. Care should be taken to ensure that there are no further differences.

How do I create my own or modify existing styles?

I can refer to this link refer to. Here you will find detailed information on modifying styles. There is also the fee-based Citation style creatorwhich can create its own styles.

What about Citavi?

Advanced users can use the software to Citavi design your own citation styles in no time at all and manage sources on a somewhat larger scale. An add-in for Microsoft Word ensures a seamless workflow. However, this article is limited to the functionalities already implemented in Microsoft Word.

I cannot find the "References" tab in Microsoft Word.

Microsoft has changed the 2017 tab from References on References renamed. You will probably find the functions under References.

Do you have any further questions?

Then write a comment and I will reply as soon as possible. This way, our fellow human beings can also benefit from the knowledge. Please note that I do not have the time to reply to every comment in detail, although this is certainly my intention.

89 responses to "Microsoft Word: Use quotations without brackets as footnotes”

  1. Mara Avatar

    THANK YOU! I was desperately looking for this!

    1. Lennart Wörmer Avatar

      I'm pleased that my article has helped you. If you have any further questions, please feel free to contact me.

      1. Sarah Avatar

        Hello Lennart,
        Thank you very much for your article, I'm currently struggling with the fact that I don't know how to open the .xsl file on my Mac except with Safari, but then I can't change anything in the text that appears. Do you know how I can open the file and then change it?
        Many thanks in advance
        LG Sarah

        1. Lennart Wörmer Avatar

          Hey Sarah,

          Thank you for your question. Unfortunately, I can't help you with your question as I have never worked productively with a Mac myself. As an ignorant person, the only workaround I can think of is that you could edit the file using a USB stick as a transport medium on a Windows PC and then import it back onto your Mac.

        2. Sebastian Avatar

          You can edit the file with TextEdit. You can find out where to find the file on Mac here: https://officehilfe.ch/referenz/word/664-neue-bibliographie-stile-xsl-dateien-installieren

  2. Eddy Straube Avatar
    Eddy Straube

    Hello Lennart,
    Thank you very much for this article. I have not found the problem explained so clearly in any other article.

    However, is there a way to include the first name in the reference and put the year in brackets? This would then correspond to the following form:

    Wörmer, L. (2016)

    Thank you for your reply in advance.

    Kind regards

    1. Lennart Wörmer Avatar

      Hi Eddy,

      Thank you very much for your praise!

      I have not yet dealt with your specific problem. In principle, this should be possible with an equally simple change in the XSL file (e.g. APASixthEditionOfficeOnline.xsl). I will look into this and come back to you when I have found a simple solution.

      All the best until then!

      1. Eddy Straube Avatar
        Eddy Straube

        Hello Lennart,

        I have tried to adapt the XSL file myself, but unfortunately I have always failed so far. Have you been able to find the time to work on it in the meantime?

        Best regards

        1. Lennart Wörmer Avatar

          Hello Eddy,

          Unfortunately, I haven't found the time yet and I haven't managed to do it quickly. I'll let you know when I've figured it out.
          Here however, you can find a few tips on how to create your own template.

          1. Lennart Wörmer Avatar

            Hi Eddy,

            Can you tell me again which format template or citation style you are using? I would then look for it specifically for you 🙂

          2. Dirk Bossa Avatar
            Dirk Bossa

            Hello Lennart,
            Is there a solution that you can describe here?
            I would like to use your format described in the article with the difference that there is no comma after the author and the years are in brackets.
            ² Author (year)

    2. Ramona avatar

      Hello Lennart,
      Thank you also for this helpful explanation! The change worked without any problems. Has there been a solution to Eddy's request in the meantime? The short vouchers at my university should also include the year in brackets if possible. Many thanks in advance!

  3. Patrick Avatar

    Hello Lennart,

    I followed your instructions exactly (as a layman) and yet the brackets are still there in Word. I can see from the modification date of the XSL files that the changes have been applied. What could I have done wrong?

    My revised sections look like this:

    I would be very pleased to receive an answer.

    Best regards

    1. Lennart Wörmer Avatar

      Hey Patrick,

      Thank you for asking. I will be happy to help you.

      As written in my blog article, the file paths to the respective style files in XSL format (for example APASixthEditionOfficeOnline.xsl) sometimes differ. Strangely enough, I have already discovered redundancies, so that the same style file could be found in two different places on my computer. However, only one of these files was used by Microsoft Word as a style template.

      I therefore suggest the following procedure:

      Open Windows Explorer and navigate to the hard disk on which you have installed Microsoft Word - usually the C drive. There you can perform a search (top right) and search for an existing style file (for example APASixthEditionOfficeOnline.xsl). If my theory is correct, after completing the search (this can take a few minutes) several style files with the same/searched name should be found, but they are located in different file paths. If this is the case, then modify the style file that you have not yet modified. You can also make this distinction based on the modification date, as you have already done before.

      I will update this blog entry accordingly as soon as I have more information.

      Please contact me again and let me know if it worked.

      1. Patrick Avatar

        Hi Lennart,

        You were right with your assumption - I am shown 6 files with the same name. In the meantime, I have helped myself by using the option to "convert citations to static text" by right-clicking after inserting them. Then I can remove the brackets and the source is still included in the bibliography. This is of course a bit more time-consuming, but otherwise has no disadvantage, right?

        Best regards

        1. Lennart Wörmer Avatar

          Hello Patrick,

          I am pleased that you have been able to work out an alternative solution in the meantime. Unfortunately, however, the functionality you mentioned has a disadvantage: if you "convert a quote to static text", the text is and remains static. This means that if the source in question is changed in the source manager, the citation is no longer updated (nor can it be) and is therefore out of date. You would then have to modify it manually according to the change. However, with the solution I presented in the article, this procedure would also work automatically.

          Please contact us again if you have any further questions.

  4. Andreas Avatar

    Thanks for the instructions, I had the same problem as Eddy. Using the Microsoft article I found the "correct" directory, using the appropriate wildcard:

    1. Lennart Wörmer Avatar

      Hey Andreas,

      I have now supplemented and updated the article with your important contribution. Many thanks for the tip!

  5. Mario Weber Avatar
    Mario Weber

    Hello Mr. Wörmer
    Thanks for the great explanations. I am a teacher and should make a template for a scientific paper. Specifically, we want to implement an adapted HarvardAnglia2008. I have already managed to do some things, but I am failing at the following:
    a.) How can I save my own xls template under my own name? No matter what I call it, it appears with the same name HarvardAnlia2008. I can use the new template as it is displayed, but with a duplicate name.
    b.) klicksafe.de, 2014. What fascinates children and young people about computer games? [Online]
    Available at: http://www.klicksafe.de/themen/spielen/computerspiele/faszination/
    [Accessed 07 07 2014].
    In the bibliography, the access date appears WITHOUT dots in between
    c.) Hörl, H. & Waibel, T., 2018. The perfect VWA. Dornbirn: Schoren Verlag.
    How do I get rid of the "&"? I searched for & in the template and replaced them all with 'and'. This also works for the short citations, but unfortunately not in the bibliography itself.

    Sorry for all the trouble but you really seem to know your stuff...
    Mario W.

    1. Mario Weber Avatar
      Mario Weber

      Sorry, I managed point a.) myself, correct naming of my own template 😉
      But unfortunately the rest remains ....
      Thanks in advance
      Mario Weber

      1. Lennart Wörmer Avatar

        Hey Mario,

        First of all, thank you very much for the positive feedback 🙂

        Problem a)

        I am pleased that you have already been able to solve this.

        Problem b)

        The XSL file contains the following template:

        It is used to display data where certain sources have been accessed. You therefore want to customize this template. You will find the following expression in the section:

        Please copy the following expression directly after this or into the following line:

        This code inserts a (standardized) dot.

        The whole thing should then look something like this with the previous and following lines:

        Then restart Microsoft Word and update your bibliography. The item is now visible after the tag. Does it work for you?

        Problem c)

        First of all, an addition to your procedure for all those interested in the future: You have (presumably) replaced the "&" with an "and". The "&" reflects an "&". This is basically correct. Background: https://wiki.selfhtml.org/wiki/HTML/Regeln/Zeichenvorrat_und_HTML-eigene_Zeichen

        I haven't found a solution here yet, but I will continue my research and leave a new comment as soon as I have found a solution.

        1. Mario W. Avatar
          Mario W.

          Hello Mr. Wörmer
          Point b.) worked great. I have also done this after the month field without space in between (commented out), looks great.

          They are great!
          Can I ask you a quick question?
          Ahrens, V. & Wüschner, M., 2014. structuring theses correctly. Zurich: vdf Hochschulverlag AG.
          Buhmann, N. et al, 2017. the best VWA. 2nd edition ed. Egg: Egg Verlag.

          Not the commercial and (&) ... 😉
          How do you make sure that there is a colon after the year instead of a period?

          Ahrens, V. & Wüschner, M., 2014: Correctly structuring theses. Zurich: vdf Hochschulverlag AG.
          Buhmann, N. et al, 2017: The best VWA. 2nd edition ed. Egg: Egg Verlag.

          Sorry for your extra work
          Mario W.

          1. Lennart Wörmer Avatar

            Hey Mario,

            Thank you again for your positive feedback. I'm always happy when I can help 🙂

            I have now also received your third and still outstanding Problem c) solved: In the file you will find the following template:


            You can delete the entire content between the introductory and the closing expression of the template or alternatively comment it out. You can simply write an "and" in between:


            I am also very happy to solve your Problem with the colon. The following template is available:


            It contains the following expression:

            You can comment out or delete this part. Instead, insert the following special character:


            This symbolizes a colon.

            Please let me know if everything worked out for you. I would be very pleased.

          2. Mario W. Avatar
            Mario W.

            Hello Mr. Wörmer

            Problem c.) instead of the commercial AND I have inserted this:


            Don't I have to put a tag before and after it? But it also works PERFECTLY like this!

            b.) Special character &: for the colon: this also works PERFECTLY. But here, too, my question is whether this is used correctly without tags


            The only small problem with the colon is that the colon does not directly follow the year, but instead puts a space in between. Can this also be solved?

            Many, many thanks for your help

          3. Lennart Wörmer Avatar

            Hey Mario,

            I am really pleased that I can help with this matter!

            Problem c)

            It may not be completely professional, but it also works just like that and without a tag and as I suggested.

            Problem b)

            A few spaces have probably been caught by : before the inserted colon. Simply delete the spaces and/or tabs before the inserted colon. You can (I think) also insert it directly after the closing tag of the previous line so that there are no more spaces in between.

          4. Mario W. Avatar
            Mario W.

            Hello Mr. Wörmer
            Now EVERYTHING has really worked. I am impressed by your knowledge and helpfulness.

            I have one last question: how do you get to grips with the XML/XSL topic? Can you recommend any literature here?

            Thanks again, really great!!!

          5. Lennart Wörmer Avatar

            Good evening,

            I'm very pleased that I was able to help you. Feel free to contact me again if you have any further questions 🙂

            I personally have not used any special literature for this. However, I have been working very intensively with Microsoft Word for several years now and also regularly give Workshops. You inevitably learn a few ticks along the way. What's more, I attach great importance to perfection and automation and I work in the IT industry and in web technologies.

    2. Angelica Avatar

      Word has 2 directories where this xsl data is stored: one is the original directory where this data is stored during installation: In my case it is called %APPDATA%\Roaming\Microsoft\Templates\LiveContent\16\Managed\Word Document Bibliography Styles and once the directory used by the respective logged-in user: %APPDATA%\Roaming\Microsoft\Bibliography\Style
      If the user directory is empty or another template is selected in the source manager, the styles are transferred from the global directory to the user directory. Word also warns you that older versions may be reused!
      You can change the name and version of the stylesheet in the xsl file itself. To do this, open it with a text editor and search for the tags Version, OfficeStyleKey and xslVersion. There you can then change the name, the version date and a version number:




      1. Lennart Wörmer Avatar

        Many thanks for these great explanations, Angelika! It will certainly help some visitors!

  6. Mario W. Avatar
    Mario W.

    How do you manage to post xsl code as a comment?
    The entire code always disappears for me ......;-(

    1. Lennart Wörmer Avatar

      Code can be written between the and tags. Angle brackets must be replaced by (right). Then it also works. I have corrected it in your comment.

  7. Mario Weber Avatar
    Mario Weber

    Several bibliographies (or actually only 1 bibliography and one list of sources)

    I have to ask you for advice again, Mr. Wörmer. I would like to create a Word template that uses a dynamic bibliography to create 2 separate directories, one for the literature itself, the other for sources such as images, films, etc.
    Until Word 2016, this option was available when entering a source with the trick of different languages, see this link http://officehilfe.ch/referenz/word/465-literatur-mehrere-literaturverzeichnisse
    But I can no longer find this option under Word in Office365. Do you have any advice?
    Thanks again
    Mario W.

    1. Lennart Wörmer Avatar

      Hello Mario,

      I will of course be happy to help you with this. Take a look at my blog article on this topic in which I have explained everything. If you have any specific questions on this topic, I would ask you to post a comment in the blog article provided. Thank you.

  8. Christina Avatar

    Hello Lennart,

    I would also need some advice from you 😉
    If a source has more than one author, all names appear in the short citation. However, it would be better if only the first author appeared and then et al. ! I use the APA style sheet

    This is what it looks like, for example:
    "Gnad, Ebert & Kunzmann, 2016, p.359 ff."

    and that's how I would like it:
    "Gnad, et al, 2016, p.359 ff."

    Is there also a solution for the fact that if the same short quotation is directly followed by "Ibid., p. xy", it is automatically created, but if I move them afterwards and they are no longer one after the other, a normal short quotation appears again? That's probably too complicated, isn't it?
    This is how it appears :
    Gaubinger, et al, 2017, p. 12
    Gaubinger, et al, 2017, p. 3

    and that would be correct:
    Gaubinger, et al, 2017, p. 12
    Ibid, 2017, p. 3

    1. Lennart Wörmer Avatar

      Hello Christina,

      take a look at this website to. It explains in detail how you can customize the styles yourself and how the .xls files are structured.

  9. Alina Osterwalder Avatar
    Alina Osterwalder

    Hello Lennart

    Unfortunately, I don't know what an XSL file is, or where to enter it.

    Can you really help me?

    Kind regards

    1. Lennart Wörmer Avatar

      Hi Alina,

      Thank you for your inquiry. An XSL file is a file with the file extension .xsl ends, for example APASixthEditionOfficeOnline.xsl. These are certain file types, such as a Word file with the file extension .docx has. In the article, I have described how to find your way to the correct XSL file that you need to edit to remove brackets around the quotes. If you have any questions about this, please get in touch again 🙂

  10. Gideon Avatar

    Dear Mr. Wörmer,

    I have followed your instructions regarding the removal of brackets - on the APA Sixth edition file...
    Unfortunately, this APA6 selection field can no longer be found in Word. What could be the reason for this?

    Best regards

    1. Lennart Wörmer Avatar

      Hello Gideon,

      Thank you for your feedback. Can you still find the file under the following path?


      If it is still present in the directory and it is available in Microsoft Word not is displayed, then I suspect that you have inadvertently damaged the structure of the XSL file when editing the file. In this case, please send me a private message using the contact form on the homepage. Include a link to the XSL file, which you can store on a cloud storage of your choice (e.g. OneDrive or Dropbox). I will then be happy to check your XML file for a correct structure.

      Merry Christmas!

  11. Jan Avatar

    Hello Mr. Wörmer

    I have the same problem as Eddy. I am using APA style and with your help I have already been able to customize the quote in the footer as follows:

    Origin: (author, year)
    Current, after customization Code: Author, Year
    Goal: Author (year)

    The comma should be removed and the year put in brackets. Can this be achieved with adjustments to the code?
    I would be very grateful for your help.

    Kind regards

    1. Lennart Wörmer Avatar

      Hello Jan,

      I will look into this over the next few days and then update my answer.

      Happy Easter!

  12. Theresa Wesseler Avatar
    Theresa Wesseler

    That really made my day. Top explanation and worked straight away. Thank you!

    1. Lennart Wörmer Avatar

      Hello Theresa,

      Thank you very much for your positive feedback 🙂

  13. Theresa Wesseler Avatar
    Theresa Wesseler

    Is there a way to put only the year in brackets?
    Thank you very much!
    Lg Theresa

    1. Lennart Wörmer Avatar

      Hello Theresa,

      This is certainly a problem that needs to be solved. To do this, I suggest that you this website and take a look at the detailed assistance.

  14. Markus Edob Avatar
    Markus Edob

    Hello Mr. Wörmer,

    First of all, thank you very much for the tip about removing the brackets from the footnote sources. It worked in principle. However, for some sources, the author names no longer appear (e.g. Mustermann, 2018) but the title of the publication (e.g. Erklärungsansätze Europäischer Strukturfondspolitik). For some sources, not only have the brackets disappeared, but the authors and the year have been replaced by the titles of the publications. This is of course not good.

    Is there perhaps an explanation for this bug and, even better, perhaps even a solution?

    Many thanks in advance.


    1. Lennart Wörmer Avatar

      Hello Markus,

      Thank you very much for your message. I am pleased that my instructions "work in principle". It is difficult for me to explain the error you are experiencing, as bracketing out the lines should only remove the brackets. Can you check again whether you have added the characters both at the beginning and at the end of each line?

      〈!-- --〉

      I look forward to receiving your feedback.

  15. Andi Avatar

    Thank you very much, that was a great tip. Great for a citation in the footnote!

    Do you also have instructions on how to cite LNI in Word?

    1. Lennart Wörmer Avatar

      Good evening Andi,

      I am pleased that I was able to help. Unfortunately, I don't know of any way to set up a citation according to LNI in Microsoft Word.

  16. Leon Avatar

    Hello Lennart,

    great explanation. The changes to delete the brackets in the footnote worked. I am currently writing my master's thesis and am almost despairing of complying with the requirements of our university with the APA setting.

    The citation must be structured as follows: Author, title of publication (2015), p. 149 f.
    So far, it has been displayed as follows: Author, 2015, p. 149 f.

    The requirement is: author(s), title of the publication (possibly abbreviated) and/or year of publication, page number

    In other words, I have to put the date in brackets, add the publication and remove the bracket after the author.

    Can you help me with this?

    Thank you and LG, Leon

    1. Leon Avatar

      Hello Lennart,

      Do you perhaps have a solution to my problem? I would be delighted to hear from you.

      Thank you and VG, Leon

      1. Lennart Wörmer Avatar

        Good morning Leon,

        Please excuse my late reply. For your request I can gladly this website which explains the structure of .xsl files in detail and will certainly help you achieve your desired result.

        1. Leon Avatar

          Hi Lennart,

          Thanks for the tips. I can't get it to work with the artiekl! 🙁 I only have to put the date in brackets and the comma after the date instead of before it. And at the end I need to put a period. Do you have any idea how I can do this? Example -> Cf. author (year), p. XY.

          Thank you and best regards,


          1. Lennart Wörmer Avatar

            Hello Leon,

            I ask you, in this case, to write a post in this forum where they can and will certainly help you. Unfortunately, I can't manage to take a closer look at the problem at the moment.

        2. Leon Avatar

          Hi Lennart,

          Thanks for the tip. Unfortunately, their site is down right now! 🙁 Do you have any other ideas?

          Thank you!

          1. Lennart Wörmer Avatar

            Hello Leon,

            I can't confirm that at the moment. The page is online 😉

      2. Jeremy Avatar

        Hi Leon

        Were you able to find a solution? I have the same problem unfortunately...

        Thanks and regards Jeremy

  17. Alicia Avatar

    Hello Lennart,

    Thank you for the article, removing the brackets worked great. However, I still have a space before the quote which cannot be removed. The quote looks like this with the brackets I inserted by hand "(_author, year)", where "_" stands for the space. Do you have any idea how I can remove this?

    The format template looks as follows:

    Thank you in advance & best regards,

    1. Lennart Wörmer Avatar

      Hello Alicia,

      I'm glad that you were able to remove the brackets without any problems 🙂

      Would you like to use the style sheet again using the tags 〈code〉 and 〈/code〉 as a reply to this comment? Then I can see them too 🙂

      1. Joshua Avatar

        Hello Lennart,
        First of all: Your instructions work great. Many thanks for that.
        However, I have the same problem as Alicia: also a space before the short document. The code is now the Word template ISO690 with the commented-out brackets. I hope this message will still be read in 2021. VG Joshua
        PS: I originally wanted to embed the whole code, but that was probably too much for the website. I hope you can help me anyway 🙂

  18. Mario Weber Avatar
    Mario Weber

    Hello Mr. Wörmer
    It is about the stylesheet "Harvard Anglia 2008", stored in the file "HarvardAnglia2008OfficeOnline.xsl". In Word, the first name is abbreviated in the bibliography, for example:
    Kemper, A. (2009)....
    But the right thing would be
    Kemper, Adalbert (2009) ...

    Do you have a quick tip on how to change this?
    Thank you very much for your efforts!

  19. Gernot Avatar

    Hello Lennart,
    Thank you very much for this helpful guide.
    However, I work on a Mac and have looked in all directories (including the hidden ones) for a file APASixthEditionOfficeOnline. I cannot find one.
    Do you know how Microsoft stores / manages these styles on a Mac?
    Best regards Gernot.

    1. Lennart Wörmer Avatar

      Hello Gernot,

      Unfortunately, I have never worked seriously with a Mac, so I can't give you any well-founded information. But can you perhaps find other files of this type (corresponding to other citation styles) on the Mac?

  20. Lennart Wörmer Avatar

    Hello Dirk, unfortunately I don't have the time to deal with every individual formatting request. I would therefore advise you to examine and modify the corresponding XSL file yourself, taking into account a good instructions like this one.

  21. Be Imeri Avatar
    Seid Imeri

    Hello Lennart,

    I hope you are doing well. Thank you very much for the instructions. I was able to solve the problem within a few minutes thanks to your instructions. Super! Very helpful.

    Best regards Seid

    1. Lennart Wörmer Avatar

      That makes me happy. Thank you for your positive feedback!

  22. Tristan Avatar

    Hello Lennart,
    The instructions for removing the clips worked really well for me.
    However, the APA style always displays a superfluous comma before the "&" or before the "et al.".

    Henke, Gläser, & Heck, 2000
    Polzer, et al, 2012

    Henke, Gläser & Heck, 2000
    Polzer et al, 2012

    Do you know of a way to change this?

    Best regards

    1. Lennart Wörmer Avatar

      Hi Tristan, I'm glad that my instructions worked well for you! I don't have a specific solution to your problem, but I'm sure that you can find a solution by editing the desired XSL file. Have a look at the Office Forum to find possible solutions. I look forward to hearing from you when you have found a solution!

  23. Leonie Wicker Avatar
    Leonie Wicker

    Hello Lennart,

    First of all, thank you very much for these detailed, great descriptions. It has already saved a few homework assignments.
    Now, however, I am about to write my Master's thesis and my supervisor requires a very specific format in the footnote:
    Surname (year), page number.

    Currently, when I select APA, it says:
    Surname, year, page number

    So I would have to remove the first comma, write the year in brackets and add a period after the page number. Unfortunately, I have not been able to find any helpful tips on the net.
    Can you perhaps help?

    Many thanks and best regards

    1. Lennart Wörmer Avatar

      Hi Leonie, I'm glad that my instructions have already saved a few homework assignments! I don't have a specific solution to your problem, but I'm sure that you can find a solution by editing the desired XSL file. Have a look at the Office Forum to find possible solutions. I look forward to hearing from you when you have found a solution!

  24. To Onym Avatar

    Thank you very much! This is a really helpful guide!

    1. Lennart Wörmer Avatar

      Thank you very much for the great feedback!

  25. Xenia avatar

    Hello, I have another question. Is it possible to remove the "S." for the page number?

    The rest is worth its weight in gold!

    1. Lennart Wörmer Avatar

      Hello Xenia, thank you for the great feedback! I'm glad I was able to help you. Regarding the "S." for the page number, you can search the XSL file for "page" and try it out to see if you get it right. Otherwise I recommend the Office Forumto ask other specialists.

      1. Xenia avatar

        Yes, I found the page several times with the addition:
        1st position

        2nd position

        3rd position

        4th position

        What exactly do I have to remove or can I leave it out?

        1. Lennart Wörmer Avatar

          Hi Xenia, please send me the comments via the Contact form. Then I'll paste it here so that your formatting remains.

  26. Marcus Avatar

    The instructions are great. It worked straight away and it was easy to make the changes.

    Thank you!

  27. Lennart Wörmer Avatar

    Thank you for your positive feedback, Marcus! Have a happy new year!

  28. Jan Avatar

    Many thanks for the instructions, it worked great.
    What do I have to change in the xsl file to bracket the date?
    The quote is complete without brackets.

  29. Markus Avatar

    Hello Lennart,

    First of all, thank you very much for creating this thread! I think it's absolutely great that you are so dedicated to the general public!
    I've been working on the citation style for a while now and I've managed it well so far, but there's one point where I just can't get any further. I'm also not quite sure whether this is even controlled in the xsl.

    When inserting a quote into the body text, if you insert the quote directly after a character, a space is inserted in the quote. If you insert the quote after a space, no space is inserted in the quote.

    That wouldn't be too bad, you can simply pay attention to it when inserting and make a space before inserting. Unfortunately, however, when the document is updated, the citations are also updated and the spaces are added again.

    Do you have any idea where this could be controlled?

    The quotes look like this for me: Author, Year
    If I quote directly in the body text, I suppress the year and add it manually. Like this: ...by author (year) can be inferred...
    If I place the quotation at the end of a paragraph, I enclose it in round brackets. The quote is inserted as author, year and then I put brackets around it (author, year). When updating the fields, the result is: ( author, year). So there is a space before the author. This space cannot be deleted because it is part of the quote. The only way is to insert a space after the bracket, update the quote and then delete the space.

    I've tried quite a lot and spent many hours on it, but I couldn't solve it.
    Unfortunately, the Internet does not offer a solution here either. I spent several hours researching, but found nothing useful.
    I am very grateful for any tips!

    1. Lennart Wörmer Avatar

      Hello Markus, thank you very much for your comments. You are actually talking about a use case that I have not yet come across. A quick search as well as a test of mine confirm your statements and unfortunately I have not found a solution either. It may be possible to control something via Normal.dotm; you could research this again. Otherwise, I can offer you to send me an English version of your request (via my contact form) and I will forward it to Microsoft.

  30. David Avatar

    Many thanks for the contribution!

  31. Linus avatar

    Hello dear MacOS users,

    I recently bought a Macbook and was initially unable to find the file "APASixthEditionOfficeOnline.xsl".

    The procedure on Apple is as follows:
    1. finder -> programs
    2. right-click on MS Word -> Show package contents
    3. contents -> Resources -> Style
    4 Proceed as described above

    Many thanks to the author of the block contribution!
    Best regards

  32. Florian avatar

    Exactly what I was looking for. Thank you very much, Lennart. You've also described it in great detail. I was able to implement it in just a few minutes 🙂

  33. Tris069 Avatar

    THANK YOU! Lennart, you are the BEST!

    1. Lennart Wörmer Avatar

      Sure, I'd love to. I'm glad I could help. 🙂

  34. Norid Avatar

    Hello Lennart,
    I have created a video based on your instructions and of course referred to you as the source and linked to this page in the description.
    In the comments, a question was asked several times that exceeded my Word knowledge and I wanted to ask you if you had a solution or idea.
    The commentators use the Chicago citation and have expressed the wish that the citation is without brackets but the date is bound in brackets.
    Now the question is: Is that even possible?
    I am not familiar with this type of citation, but apparently it is taught at some universities.
    According to the information provided, the brackets could generally be removed, but this is only partially desired.

    The citation then looks like this with brackets:
    "(Author, year)" and this should look something like this "Author (year)"

    Do you have an idea where this could be changed in the XSL file?
    Hypothetically, it should also be possible to integrate with "

    It would be very nice if you could send me an answer.

    Many thanks and best regards 🙂

  35. Tobias Avatar

    Hi Lennart,

    I just want to leave a quick THANK YOU here!

    1. Lennart Wörmer Avatar

      You're very welcome, Tobias! I'm glad I could help you!

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