Gedanken zum strategischen Verankern der Low-Code Philosophie in der Organisations-DNA. Demokratisierung. Microsoft Power Platform. Power Apps. Power Automate.
Verbesserung der Developer Experience (DX) im Bereich von Low-Code Development Platforms (LCDP) mit Schwerpunkt auf die Microsoft Power Platform
Overview of frameworks for testing Canvas Apps (Power Apps). Test Studio, Monitor, Azure Application Insights, Solution Checker. Learn best practices.
Testing of Model-Driven Power Apps. Perform UI tests, unit tests and checks for data structure. Use RasyRepo, Fake XRM Easy…
Microsoft’s Power Platform has had a lot of growth recently as it has become one of the core offerings of…
Best Practice how to build offline capability for Canvas Apps (Power Apps) including formulas and real-life scenarios.
Do you use as your primary source to store your contacts? Well, it’s a good choice as it’s based…
Microsoft Power Apps are powerful ways of creating business applications in a smaller scale than Dynamics 365 solutions. With Canvas…
Ever since Microsoft released their new task management tool Microsoft To-Do, I was missing just one functionality from its predecessor…
Embedding Power Apps (Canvas, Model-Driven) may be a scenario you might have to deal with when you want your customer…
Mit der Power Platform hat Microsoft eine mächtige und hochintegrierte Low-Code-Plattform geschaffen. Bestandteile hiervon sind unter anderem PowerApps zur Prozess-…
Microsoft PowerApps is a powerful Low-Code Platform which allows you to connect to hundreds of data sources – SharePoint is…
Introduction Wouldn’t it be great to just take a photo of a business card and save the extracted information as…
Implement responsive Canvas Apps (Power Apps) with dynamic screen sizes and flexible item positions. Best practices and examples included.
Mit Microsoft Dynamics 365 hat der US-Konzern ein leistungsstarkes CRM-System im Angebot, das mit verschiedenen Modulen bis auf ERP-Ebene erweitert…
Im Rahmen des Business Applications Summit 2019 stellte Microsoft nicht nur spannende AI-Features für PowerApps und Microsoft Flow vor. Auch…
Die Microsoft Power Platform ist eine die Low-Code-Plattform von Microsoft, die sich über Office 365, Dynamics 365 sowie weitere Standalone-Anwendungen…