
Plantui Smart Garden – My Favorite Accessories

Plantui Smart Garden Favorite Accessories Titelbild

Plantui Smart Gardens changed my life. It’s the green and the healthiness, the energy and the smart technology that keeps fascinating me. Always having fresh herbs, salad, and spices around – that’s like business class at home. With my five (see how much I love them) Plantui Smart Gardens (Plantui 6, Plantui 3), I have enough space to plant my favorite plants and I enjoy seeing each of them every day. These are evergreens and bestsellers like basil but also great-tasting oregano for tomato sauce and mint for fresh tea.


Plantui offers a wide range of useful accessories for their smart gardens. Some are for replacement or changing the color of your water bowl, but some are also here to speed up the growth process of your plants. I can highly recommend the two special height blocks as my plants started to grow faster and better since every plant – the small ones but also the big ones – get enough light.

Optimal Growth Results Come With Optimal Lights

The first products I would like to introduce are special height blocks. Plantui does not only offer regular height blocks to extend the height of the light unit. Their portfolio also includes height blocks that boost the growth of plants or help the plants to bloom:

Boosting Light Height Block

The Boosting Light Height Block is there to boost the growth of plants. As your plants grow bigger, the small(er) plants at the bottom may not receive optimal light anymore (although the lights at the light unit on top are quite bright). Then, add this special height block in order to provide your plants with optimal light for every growth stadium. This is especially something you may want to use for chili or other plants that grow quite large. The height block also stimulates horizontal growth of the plants which is great for more yield.

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Plantui Boosting Light Height Block

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Plantui Blooming Light Height Block

Blooming Light Height Block

Do you grow chili, flowers, tomatoes, or other plants that get flowers? Then you probably want to use the Blooming Light Height Block. It ensures the perfect light to make your plants flower optimally. I use one of these special height blocks for my chili plants which really helps them to flower very well.

Additionally, special height blocks add some purple light spectrum which is a nice addition for the light from the top light unit (which looks white after adding the first height block).

Expand the Plant Diversity

A Plantui Smart Garden can be used not only to grow plants (herbs, flowers, lettuce, tomatoes, chilies). Expand it with exciting accessories to grow your own seeds or entirely different plant categories.

Experimental Kit

Are you an explorer and would you like to experience an adventure of completely new plants in your Plantui Smart Garden? Well, then I can totally recommend you the Experimental Kit: You will get three empty plant capsules and one package of nutrients.

Some examples for plants may be some more varieties of tomatoes or chili – although there is already a great selection available from Plantui. And you should not forget the growth guarantee provided with Plantui capsules.

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Plantui Experimental Kit

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Microgreens in Plantui Microgreens Tray

Microgreens Tray

With the Microgreens Tray, you expand the classic features of your Plantui Smart Garden with the ability to grow microgreens – the new superfood that not only looks good, but tastes good too. Within just 7-14 days, its Microgreens seeds grow into real Microgreens. Enjoy a lot of vitamins in just a very short time.

Decorate your salads, lasagna or pasta or use Microgreens to create healthy smoothies. There are almost no limits to your imagination.

Pollinate Stick – DIY Version

The last accessory I would like to introduce to you is a self-made stick to pollinate my flowers. As of my experience, shaking the plants as mentioned in the official guide for chili plants by Plantui is a good method. But pollinating the flowers one by one maximizes the yield even more.

For my construction, I took a shashlik stick and connected it with a cotton bud. This gives you great flexibility for the pollinating process as the shashlik stick is long enough to pollinate every flower with the attached cotton bud.

This method works especially well with my chili plants as their flowers are all over the plant.

Follow Growth Processes

Would you like to get some more information about individual growth processes of Plantui owners? Then check out their Facebook community and posts with #sharemyplantui.

For more information about the Plantui devices, feel free to read my full review of Plantui Smart Gardens.

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